Sleep Apnea Appliances in Crescent Heights, AB

Sleep Apnea Appliances Near You

If you have sleep apnea, you may have trouble breathing while you sleep. Your airway gets blocked or closed, causing you to stop breathing or breathe very lightly. Not getting enough oxygen can make it difficult to sleep and cause other health problems. If you snore loudly, feel very tired during the day, or wake up often at night, you might have sleep apnea.

We offer modern sleep apnea devices in Crescent Heights that can help you sleep better and improve your health. Our treatments are designed to effectively manage sleep apnea and enhance your sleep quality.

Sleep Apnea Appliances in Crescent Heights

What Are Sleep Apnea Appliances?

Sleep apnea mouthpieces are special, custom-made devices that help keep your airway open while you sleep. They are an alternative to CPAP machines. These oral device for sleep apnea work by moving your lower jaw and tongue to stop your airway from getting blocked.

Who Should Consider Sleep Apnea Appliances?

Sleep apnea appliances are great for people with mild to moderate sleep apnea who want a treatment that doesn’t involve surgery. They’re also great for people who can’t use a CPAP machine or want a different choice from the usual treatments.

Benefits of Sleep Apnea Appliances

  • Improved sleep quality: Sleep apnea devices keep your airway open while you sleep, helping you sleep better and wake up less often.
  • Reduced snoring: Many people find that these devices can greatly lessen or stop snoring.
  • Comfort and convenience: Oral appliances are small, comfortable, and easy to take with you, unlike CPAP machines.
  • Non-invasive Treatment: These appliances offer a non-surgical option for managing sleep apnea.

How Sleep Apnea Appliances Work?

Sleep apnea appliances help by moving your lower jaw and tongue forward a bit. This makes your airway stay open while you sleep, so it doesn’t collapse. The oral appliance for sleep apnea keeps your jaw in this position, letting you breathe easily and reducing the chance of sleep apnea.

The Process of Getting a Sleep Apnea Appliance

  • Initial consultation: On your first visit, our dental team will check your symptoms to see if a sleep apnea appliance could help you. We might also suggest a sleep study to get a complete diagnosis.
  • Custom fitting: If a sleep apnea appliance is right for you, we’ll make exact molds of your teeth and mouth. This helps us create an appliance that fits well and works properly.
  • Appliance fabrication: We’ll send your impressions to a dental lab, where they will make a custom appliance just for you.
  • Fitting and adjustment: When your appliance is ready, we’ll set up a fitting appointment. At this appointment, we’ll check that it fits properly and make any needed changes to make sure it’s comfortable and works well.
  • Follow-up: Regular check-ups are important to see if your appliance is working well and to make any needed changes.

How to Use Your Sleep Apnea Appliance

Once you get your sleep apnea appliances near you, follow these steps to make sure they work well:

  • Wear consistently: Use the appliance every night as directed to keep its benefits.
  • Proper cleaning: Clean the appliance often to stop germs from growing and keep your mouth healthy.
  • Regular check-ups: Make sure to attend your follow-up appointments to keep your appliance in good condition and ensure it still helps with your sleep apnea.

Why Choose Crescent Heights Dental Clinic?

  • Expert care: Our skilled dental team helps with sleep apnea and is dedicated to giving you personal care.
  • Advanced technology: We use the latest tools and ways to make sleep apnea devices that work well and feel comfortable.
  • Patient-centered approach: We pay close attention to what you want and need, so our treatment plan fits your lifestyle and health goals.

Book Your Consultation Today!

If you think you have sleep apnea or need a custom sleep apnea appliance, contact Crescent Heights Dental Clinic. Get better sleep and feel great with a custom sleep apnea device from our Dental Clinic.

Book your consultation today and start enjoying restful nights and healthier days.

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