Sedation Dentistry in Crescent Heights, AB

Sedation Dentist Near You

Feeling anxious or experiencing fear while sitting in the dentist’s chair is entirely normal. Millions of North Americans face the same feelings when visiting a dental clinic. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry near you! While dentists can perform the most common dental procedures without the need for sedation, some complicated procedures require it. Dentists will also use it for patients who experience severe dental anxiety. Dental procedures are not something that should cause you fear, but for some people, the anxiety can be too much to bear. At Crescent Heights Dental, we work hard to ensure that all our patients feel relaxed and calm when undergoing any of our treatments with sedation dentistry in Calgary, AB.

crescent heights dental sedation dentistry

Looking for Sedation Dentistry Near You?

Dental sedation eliminates nearly all discomfort. For those with low pain tolerances or severe anxiety, it may be the only way to make it through complicated operations. Using sedation may help you to reduce your fears related to dentistry so you can stop postponing appointments due to anxiety. Undergoing the procedures, you need right away, will improve your overall oral health. We are happy to provide sedation dentistry near you. This medical practice can truly help you to relax.

Using a sedative allows dentists to be more efficient too. If you were to be awake for three procedures in a row, this might be extremely difficult for you to be comfortable with if you have anxiety.

How Does It Feel?

Most people feel nervous about using sedation because they don’t know what to expect. Usually, once your dentist has administered the sedative, you will begin to feel relaxed. Depending on the level of sedative you are provided, you will either be awake but groggy, or you will sleep throughout the procedure. When our sedation dentist near you uses these techniques, they require that you bring a family member or friend to watch over you. Dentists ask this because the effects of the sedation may take a few hours to wear off. You likely will be unable to drive or operate heavy machinery until the sedation has fully worn off. However, the dentist will go over all the recommendations with you before your operation.

Types of Sedation Dentistry in Crescent Heights

There are three main types of dental sedation in Calgary, AB offered at our clinic. The type that is used will depend on how complicated the procedure is. The oral version is the simplest and most common, while dentists only use general anesthesia for complex cases.

Oral Sedation – When dentists use this method, the patient goes into what’s known as “twilight sleep.” This concept means that you can still talk and move, but you won’t remember anything that transpired while you were under the effects of the sedative. This type is often used for getting wisdom teeth removed.

IV Sedation – This technique is just one step above oral. It feels similar, but under IV, you will have less control over your movements. You will still be aware of your surroundings.

Laughing Gas – It’s combined with oxygen and administered through a breathing mask. The gas will help you feel comfortable and relaxed during treatment. Your dentist can control how much sedation you receive, and the effects will quickly wear off. This is the only type of sedation that allows you to drive yourself home afterward.

We offer sedation dentistry in Calgary, AB, and will be happy to speak with you further to determine which form of sedation will work best for you. Contact us today for a consultation if you are looking for sedation dentistry near you.

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